Westminster: Dogs with Dreads!
There are tons of crowd-pleasers at the Westminster Kennel Club Dog Show. You should have heard the crowd go bananas during the Labrador Retriever Best in Breed competition! Trying to get ring-side during the French Bulldog Best in Breed event was nearly impossible!
But there is one group of dogs that beats them all. It’s not an official competitive group: it’s the “Dogs with Dreads” group! It includes Pulis (Preston the Puli won the AKC Dog Show last December), Bergamasco Shepherds, Spanish Water Dogs, and Komondors. Want to know why these dogs are so popular? Just take a look below.
Standing still, this Komondor looks pretty normal, no? Sort of like a messy-looking English Sheepdog.
But then, get him excited and THIS HAPPENS!
And this…
And this…
And then it’s back to normal!
How can you NOT love a dog with dreads?
Here’s one more for the road!
1 comment
I love it!!